Yesterday, Kathy Dayley from the Office of U.S. Senator James E. Risch presented Macy Henze with a letter of recognition for being named the 2019 Idaho Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year by the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR).
This is a prestigious honor. Consumer Direct Care Network is proud of Macy’s hard work and dedication to enriching lives in her community.
According to ANCOR, more than one million individuals with disabilities nationwide depend on DSPs to live the life they want. The demand for DSPs continues to grow. Often, the hard work and outstanding service of DSPs go unnoticed.
ANCOR strives to recognize the exemplary service of DSPs and elevate the work of DSPs as the profession it is – rather than as just a job. This year, ANCOR selected 55 professionals from a field of nearly 350 nominations from across the country.