Consumer Direct Care Network is pleased to offer free hospice volunteer training. Group trainings are on Tuesday and Thursday at 6-8 pm from June 13 through July 4, 2017. Individual trainings are available and ongoing. Please inquire.
Place: Consumer Direct Care Network
100 Consumer Direct Way
Missoula, Montana 59808
Training will cover:
- Hospice care and philosophy
- The Volunteer’s role
- Family dynamics
- Physical and emotional aspects of death and dying
- Grief and bereavement
Why Become a Volunteer
“Volunteers are an integral and valued part of our hospice team. The extra level of care and comfort they provide to patients and families is a timeless tradition,” says Ka Moua, APRN, Clinical Director / Administrator of Consumer Direct Care Network | Nursing | Home Health and Hospice.
Positive Customer Impact
Our Care Network is thrilled to provide hospice services to Missoula and Ravalli Counties. Our hospice services complement how you view life, in your own unique manner. Hospice provides a special type of attention supporting the emotional and spiritual aspects of your care.
With the expert care of our hospice team, our patients see improvement in the quality of life and longer life expectancy. We provide more care and services so you can live fully.
Contact: Lou Ann Crowley, Volunteer Coordinator
Cell – 406.369.5863
Work – 406.541.1800