The 16th annual Big Sky Documentary Film Festival brings rich, thought-provoking non-fiction films to Missoula. For the third year, Consumer Direct Care Network is pleased to sponsor the “All Abilities” and “Younger than Yesterday” strands.
Consumer Direct Care Network champions the power of film to offer insight and understanding into the lives of people from all walks of life. The “All Abilities” strand includes six films chronicling the stories of those whose lives are impacted by physical, developmental, or behavioral health challenges and which culminate with the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.
The “Younger Than Yesterday” strand features 13 films focusing on the stories and challenges associated with aging.
We welcome you to join us, along with filmmakers and fans from around the world, and enjoy the festival on February 15-24.
Learn more about the “All Abilities” films.
Learn more about the “Younger than Yesterday” films.