I was born in Medaryville, Indiana at a mid-wife home in October, 1946. Although I arrived two months premature, I had a safe weight of five pounds, four ounces. I grew up in Medaryville and at fourteen I fell off a horse and fractured my skull. My inner ear was damaged, affecting my equilibrium. I laid flat on my back for about a month and had to learn to walk again. Since then I have experienced three whiplash accidents, causing fusions in my neck, and a total knee replacement. My disabilities include type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, degenerative spine, and arthritis. I have had five children. One of which, I lost at birth. Life can be challenging.
My first experience with homecare was through an Agency-Based provider. The provider would schedule available caregivers and I would not know who they would send. Some caregivers would do their work, but others chose to sit and play on their cell phone. I had little control. Then I was told about Alamo Consumer Direct in Austin, Texas. I have now have been with Consumer Direct for four years. I love being in charge of my own care. I have been able to hire caregivers I want and manage them to complete their tasks.
I have allergies and stay in my apartment most of the time, next to the air purifier. I enjoy my eleven year old Himalayan kitty, named Twinkles. I also enjoy my fish tank with cichlids fish.
Sandra – Peer Network Member
San Marcos, Texas

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